Well, I decided to stop my obsession with Chyler Leigh just long enough to make it out to the "real" world tonight. Real, in this sense, is purely subjective. It was real enough that I was actually part of the experience but yet, I'm still not quite in the experience, if you know what I mean...
Let me try to explain... Even though I've been going out for about 2 yrs as Gwnn, it still almost feels like what happens while I'm out is not happening to me but that easily-packed-up-and-hidden alter-ego. I would think that it would almost be a danger sign of split personalities but it is still tangibly me, just dressed a bit differently than normal... I guess it's hard to explain unless you've been there... :)
Anyway, tonight was a good night as I got to start out with seeing Diane working the bar (although, it seemed she wasn't in the best of spririts as her boyfriend was there and it seemed that there was a bit of tension there...). Now that Diane has this blog address, I'll have to be more careful of what I say about her... ;) (As if I would ever say anything other than she rocks and that I'm so glad that I know her.)
I met Erin at Diane's work and I tossed back a few while watching the first quarter of the first preseason game of the Dallas Cowboys which just happens to be one of the few things I care about in Dallas (In order: Family, Stars, Cowboys...) I made arrangements to meet up with Stacey at 10pm at 'Bout Time so after the few drinks I had, Erin and I headed out to BT.
One word; crowded. Turns out there was a lesbian benefit (from the best I could gather, a lesbian had a spat of health problems and was under a bit of debt.) Some of the other girls decided to have a benefit and boy, did people turn out! I've never seen that many people there. It was hot, sticky and shoulder-to-shoulder all night. I got the chance to meet all kinds of new people and collected quite a few compliments to help my always-low self-esteem (I actually heard from no less than 4 people that I was the best-looking girl there. I would call that high praise as there were quite a few gorgeous girls milling about (Hi, Catherine and best wishes on the wedding!).
Stacey shows up a bit later than planned (11pm, but she was picking out the right outfit; I can so sympathize...) and she looked incredible. A nice light-blue cami with dark jeans and just higher than kitten heels. Perfectly Austin. (Hmm, it was quite close to what I was wearing; pink silk cami, dark jeans and stiletto heels. I guess great minds think alike!) We pulled up a seat on the covered-over pool table and did our best butt-dancing for the rest of the night. Even Erin was kicking in w/the dancing; something I've never seen before. All-in-all, I think everyone had a good night.
The moral of this night? I can't wait for SCC now. It seems that Gwnn is just starting to open up to the world and not really care what other ppl are thinking. That can only mean good things for not only the people who will be involved at SCC (Stacey, Amanda and maybe Adrianne, I'm talking to you... ;) but also for myself. Hopefully, there will be a day soon that I will just be able to be Gwnn and not have a nervous breakdown each time I go out.
Argh, this post sucks but I guess that's what you get for drinking and writing... Well, I guess I'll leave you with a picture of my latest <short-term>obsession</short-term> and inspiration. Until next time...