They wrapped everything up early this year (they stopped serving alcohol at 1am and turned on the lights around 1:30) which kinda sucked. Overall, it was a good time. Art Mann from "Art Mann Presents" on HDTV was there filming the scantily-clad girls and they had a central stage for the drummers/dancers that you could get up close to. I didn't run into anyone I know this year (unlike last year where I ran into my nextdoor neighbor on the dance floor) but Erin bumped into a few friends.
I'm debating whether or not I'll go next year. Carnaval is all about attention; you get dressed up in revealing outfits and then go strut your stuff with others who are doing the same. All the while everyone is gawking at everyone else and getting pictures taken. I personally hate the cameras (I was able to get out of the way of most camera shots) as I just like to sit in the background and not be noticed. Anyway, I'll blog the event in more detail in a later post but I just wanted to put a few words up.