Monday, February 14, 2005

Samba, anyone?

"Well, you could make a lot of money in Brazil," the slightly disheveled Brazilian party drunk quips. And with that, my night at Carnaval ends; an interesting comment that I'll remember the rest of my life.

This night was probably the most "important" night of Gwnn's short self-confidence building career. It started out like so many of the others, though. What to wear? A solid 2 1/2 hours of selecting, trying on and throwing into a will-put-them-back-up-on-hangers-later pile at the foot of the bed. After finally selecting a denim micromini with cranberry scarf as a belt and a sheer multicolor top (predominantly different shades of green; about as much Brazilian as the local New York & Company) with pointy stilettos, I give Erin a ring on the phone to let her know I'm on my way. Erin asks what I'm wearing and I go through a quick summary of the last 2 hours...

"Well, I started with a longer skirt than thought, well, a lot of people there won't be wearing much anyway. After all, we shouldn't be sticking out that much tonight... So I...."

"Ok, stop telling me what led up to your decision and tell me what you are going to wear..."

So I give the quick summary above.

"That's perfect. I happened to pick up a skirt that I think will fit you and will be perfect for tonight. So let's get moving..."

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