Monday, April 25, 2005


Listening to "Letter Read" by Rachael Yamagata

Well, as my first really unwelcome revelation to being perceived as female in our society, I was actually followed home by someone on Saturday night after leaving a club. I noticed him following me from pretty much the parking lot of the club but since it was 2am, I couldn't just drop the hammer on the Gwnnmobile and outrun him as I wanted to keep a low profile and not get pulled over (I had a secret jet engine along with an oil slick nozzle and smoke screen installed on the Gwnnmobile last week just for this purpose...)

Most of my female friends I've had over the years have told me stories of being followed home and harrassed by guys calling and the like. Looking at it from a male perspective, I used to know people who would do things like that and think the motives are usually harmless and it wasn't a big deal... And then it happens to you and the entire perspective changes. You don't know what the intentions are. It's pretty scary...

So after having him follow me about 10 miles down the highway, I pulled off and thought I'd throw him off the trail. I pulled in to a 24hr drive thru and bought some late night munchies and watched him circle around the parking lot and park on the street. Once I got my food, I watched the light on Main street and timed my departure to where I would just barely get through legally (I happen to know the timing on this one light fairly well, so I punched it through to where he couldn't get through w/o running the light) and then went through a large southern neighborhood before getting back on the highway to motor home. I was kinda bummed as I didn't get to use any of the secret upgrades on the Gwnnmobile but I guess I might get an opportunity again sometime in the future (I hope not, tho).

Well, on a lighter note, there's going to be a convention here this week and I'm hoping to have some good party anecdotes to post. As well as I should have my first meeting with a counselor specializing in gender issues. Should be an interesting week...

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