Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween Party Saturday

The band!

Well, the Saturday before Halloween turned into a fun night. It started off about the same except this time, I could get dressed in my Halloween costume: a goth/vampire girl. Essentially, my costume was a one piece, black micromini dress, black textured hose and knee-high leather boots with a wicked silver metal stilletto. Add to that some nylon mesh on top, heavy eye makeup and fangs, I think it turned out all right (at least I was told by others it looked good. I really need to try and remember to take some self-portraits while I'm out...). Anyway, I'll probably wind up wearing much the same outfit back to 'Bout Time sometime in the future because what I consider dress-up, some girls wear each week... :)

So we wound up hanging at BT for most of the night (Amanda, Beth and Stacey, where are ya'll? :) I talked to 2 great girls for most of the night (I want to say hi! to Teresa and Denise: thanks for the beer!) when Marci came in around 11pm dressed as one of the flower girls that make their way through the nightclubs. The costume looked great as people were asking to buy some of her flowers. Marci gave me directions to a party that she has been going to for the last 4 yrs on the Sat. preceeding Halloween. She said that they would love us there and we should go after the bar closes.

2am comes and Adrianne and I make our way to the party. It was a short jaunt from BT; less than 5 mins. We got there and I had my normal butterflies whenever I have to interact w/the straight public (we pulled in behind 2 guys who were just hanging out by their car. It wasn't giving me warm fuzzies).

So we wound up parking quite a way from the entrance. We decided to "lesbian" the effort, only bringing with us our lip gloss (I really didn't have anywhere to put anything else. Skin tight outfits tend to do that... :) Adrianne was dressed as the naughty school girl with a plaid micromini, fishnets and a tied, white shirt. We get to the front and find out that they are carding people as they go in. Well, we both had to walk all the way back to the car to get our ids (which, for me, by this time, my feet were killing in these boots...)

We walk back to the front and the bouncer lets us by. But there was a price. A drop-dead gorgeous girl dressed as a fairy/butterfly said she wouldn't let us through unless Adrianne showed her boobs. Well, that wasn't a problem for Adrianne (there wasn't much of her costume covering her there) and Adrianne pulled her top up, exposing her breasts to the butterfly's accepting laughter. Then she said I had to do the same. Well, I had on 3 layers mesh that all had to be pulled from the bottom, including the one-piece dress. The only way I would have been able to expose them would have been to completely pull up the dress. So I kinda danced around it a bit and asked if I could just get by on a feel instead of a show. She reached across and gave my left boob a squeeze and said "That'll work..."

We got in to the 2nd line waiting to get in and found out that we needed to make a donation to the charity. Well, I had to walk all the way back to the car again to get money and came back to pay. We finally made it in to the party and pulled up a spot just to the right of the band (pic above).

We hung out there until 3:15 or so as Adrianne had to hit the road to go back to Ft. Hood. We were getting all kinds of stares (good, I might add) and I talked to the guy who was throwing the party. There were *lots* of gorgeous girls in costume there and it was fun watching them watch us. :) All in all, it turned out to be quite a fun night.

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